

Hartnell Community College (HCC) recognizes your right to know what information is 在网上被收集易世博你的信息以及这些信息是如何被使用的. 你没有 向我们提供个人信息以便访问我们的网站. 有时候我们需要信息 to provide services that you request, and this Privacy Statement explains our online 信息行为. HCC遵守家庭教育权利和隐私 法案(FERPA),因为它与学生记录有关. 本隐私声明适用于 哈特奈尔.Edu网站并管理数据的收集和使用. 通过哈特内尔.edu websites, you consent to the data practices described in this statement. 肝细胞癌是 not collect any 个人信息 about you unless you provide that information voluntarily by sending email or completing an online request, registration or application form.

在你拜访哈特内尔期间.Edu,你可以发邮件给哈特奈尔.edu. 你的电子邮件 地址和您的信息内容将被收集. 收集到的信息 is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video, and graphic information 消息中包含的格式. 您的电子邮件地址和信息包含在 your message will be used to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to improve this website, or to forward your message to another department for appropriate action. 请注意,电子邮件不一定是安全的,防止拦截. 如果你的沟通 is very sensitive, or includes information such as your bank account, charge card 或社会安全号码,你不应该通过电子邮件发送.

在你拜访哈特内尔期间.在Edu网站上,您可以自愿填写在线信息 申请表. 收集的信息,包括自愿提供的个人信息 by you in completing the form, application or transaction, is used only for the purposes for which it was provided and will not be shared with another entity except as prescribed 由法律规定.

学生 and employees are given online accounts and create passwords that are unique 据他们说. 密码保护帐户免遭未经授权的使用. HCC不负责 密码丢失、被盗或以其他方式泄露. HCC的员工永远不会问你 输入你的密码. 

Some of our web pages allow you to make donations, register and pay for classes, etc. In those instances, we will collect the information needed to fulfill your registration or acknowledge your contribution, just as though it had been made on paper.  你的 捐款通过安全的电子商务解决方案进行处理.

HCC只会通过哈特奈尔收集个人信息.Edu或披露个人信息 通过哈特奈尔收集的信息.如果用户同意收集,则为Edu 或披露该等个人信息. 自愿披露个人信息 to HCC by the user constitutes consent to the collection and disclosure of the information 为用户披露信息的目的而向HCC提供的信息.

However, HCC may collect or disclose 个人信息 without consent if the collection 或者披露是: 

  1. necessary to perform the statutory duties of HCC to operate a program authorized by 法律的,或由州或联邦法规或条例授权的; 
  2. 根据法院命令或法律制定的; 
  3. for the purpose of validating the identity of the user; or 
  4. information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in a form that cannot 用来识别任何特定的人.

Further, the disclosure of information, including 个人信息, collected 通过哈特奈尔.edu受加州消费者隐私条款的约束 法》(CCPA). HCC may disclose 个人信息 to federal or state law enforcement authorities to enforce its rights against unauthorized access or attempted unauthorized 获取HCC信息技术资产.


HCC may use your personally identifiable information to inform you of services provided 以及需要你关注的过程. HCC也可能通过调查与您联系进行 research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services.

HCC is committed to protecting personal 通过哈特奈尔收集的信息.edu 防止未经授权的访问、使用或披露. HCC已实施程序 保障其资讯科技资产的完整性. 这些安全程序 have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of 哈特奈尔.edu, as well as limited employee access to 个人信息 collected 通过哈特奈尔.edu as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic 内容以及信息的电子传输. HCC保障您的人身安全 未经授权访问、使用或披露的信息. HCC保护人身安全 identifiable information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, 防止未经授权的访问、使用或披露. 当个人资料(如 as a credit card number) is transmitted to other websites, it is protected through 使用加密,如安全套接字层(SSL)协议. 请保持 in mind that if you directly disclose personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data through one of HCC's social networking sites, such as 脸谱网, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram, this information may be collected and used by others.

肝癌鼓励 you to review the privacy policies of websites you choose to visit 从哈特内尔的链接.edu. HCC不负责隐私政策或其他 HCC家族网站以外的网站上的内容.

饼干 are small pieces of information that are stored by the user's browser on the 你电脑的硬盘驱动器. 哈特奈尔.Edu使用临时和持久的会话 cookies in certain portions of its website to manage your interaction activities and 提供方便或个性化的功能,节省您的时间. 你有能力 to accept or decline cookies via your browser preferences and have the option to decline. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive 本网站的特点.

HCC gathers general information about an individual's visit to the on-line services 使用谷歌分析. 收集这些一般信息将不包括 个人信息. 此信息用于确定访问的类型 网站,以完善和提高HCC的在线产品. 这个信息 is used in summary reporting that allows HCC to determine better ways to serve its 并识别和纠正性能和/或问题区域.

The information provided in this Privacy Statement should not be construed as giving business, legal, or other advice, or warranting as fail proof, the security of information provided through or other advice, or warranting as fail proof, the security of information 由哈特奈尔提供.edu.

HCC attempts to maintain the highest accuracy of content on its website. 任何错误 或遗漏应报告. HCC不做任何索赔、承诺或保证 the absolute accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the content and expressly disclaims 对内容中的错误和遗漏负责. 没有任何形式的担保,暗示, expressed or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the contents of this website 或其指向其他互联网资源的超链接. 本网站的参考资料或连结 to any specific commercial products, processes or services, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name are for the information and convenience of the public, and do not constitute endorsement, recommendation or favoring by HCC, its employees or 代理.

本私隐声明如有更改,恕不另行通知. 肝细胞癌偶尔会 随着条件和网站的变化而更新本隐私声明. 肝癌鼓励 you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to be informed of how HCC is protecting 你的信息.